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Lene Moeller Schear Mikkelsen

National University Hospital, Denmark

Title: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS): Rehabilitation and interdisciplinary treatment– seen from a rehabilitation based therapy approach


Biography: Lene Moeller Schear Mikkelsen


Statement of the Problem: The treatment and rehabilitation of patients with CRPS is challenging. The limited knowledge on the pathophysiology and its complex mechanisms contribute to the fact that CRPS is difficult to treat. Often this means that the disease is treated by an individual knowledge, clinical experience and preference of the individual professionals. In many cases, it is without an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach. Often patients with CRPS are faced with multiple consultations and it is perceived that many patients with CRPS in Denmark are diagnosed late in their illness. However there is international consensus on diagnostic criteria and early identification. Evidence for treatment is weak, but there are good experiences with highly specialized interdisciplinary treatment. Rehabilitation based therapy is recommended as the core treatment for CRPS. In view of this, a Danish National Treatment Guideline for CRPS was developed. The rehabilitation based therapy approach described in this guideline was based on a study to identify current practice among clinicians who deliver rehabilitation based therapy to patients with CRPS.

Methodology: An online survey was disseminated to physio- and occupational therapists who works with CRPS in Denmark. Responders were asked about which kind of treatment they found useful, outcome measures, and challenges related to the course of treatment.

Findings: Within this survey, the physio- and occupational therapists emphasized the importance of an interdisciplinary approach and called for a function-based treatment algorithm so patients are offered a more uniform treatment due to clinical and evidence-based practice.

Conclusion & Significance: CRPS is a multifactorial condition and should be treated as such by a specialized interdisciplinary team. Applicable to the therapeutic part of the National Treatment Guideline for CRPS a function-based treatment algorithm was developed. This survey was the first step trying to develop a best practice model of a therapeutic based approach.